Naughty girls! Martha was sent to prison on March 21, 1692 and hung on the gallows on Sept 22, 1692.
Martha Corey, a newcomer to Salem Village was known for her outspokeness and opininated comments and managed to mostly be right all of the time. She said it the way she saw and felt as though the girls would pretty much grow out of their behavior. Her headstrong disbelief of witches and her continued comments placing blame back at the girls caused a stir and the gossip began... how could she say such things when already three witches had been tried and found guilty! When Ann Putnam, a former disciple of Tituba's, threw herself into a trance during one of her interviews and named Martha Corey as a witch, the neighbors gossip turned into "I told you so!" When Ann was further examined and asked to talk more in-depth about Martha, she claimed that she could no longer see Martha in her vision - Martha must have cast a spell on her to blind and therefore quiet her.
Martha Corey was sitting at her spinning wheel, alone in her kitchen, when her triers came to talk with her about the accusations. Martha stated, "I know why you are here - my ears have told me I am in the lead of all the gossip. What are you going to do to make these silly accusations and the gossip stop as there are no such things as witches." Although her triers had come completely open minded about Martha, they left in complete contempt with her as she had made sarcastic jokes and completely put down the whole theory of witchcraft. They felt she should have been shocked by the accusations and being a religious women, she should have understood that the devil is always at play tempting in many arenas including witchcraft. That she should state that there is no such thing as witches, showed her defiance. (Didn't we already conclude she was outspoken and opiniated - why did they expect her to be timid - possibly she was spinning a yarn that was coming out at the wrong gauge, thus, making her cranky?)
Her arrest warrant was issued but it fell on Saturday and couldn't be administered until Monday (weekends off I guess in Puritan times) and Martha was allowed one more Sunday before imprisonment. One more Sunday at Church...... (to be continued)
"Witch" Yarn is On Sale Today at the Yarn and Fiber Company?
Sale Dates and Times:
October 6, 2008, 12:00 PM EST through October 7, 2008 11:59 AM EST
Yarn Sale - In Stock Quantities Only:
Louisa Harding Yarns - 25% off MSRP
Lana Grossa Sock and Luxury Yarns - 20% MSRP
Pattern requires 2-3 skeins of Dream In Color Classy

Poll results for - Oct 3 -6
Question: Who would you accuse of being a witch?
- Your Mother 26%
- Your Mother-in-Law 30%
- Your Spouse 15%
- Your Local Yarn Shop Owner :) 39 % Hey I resemble that remark :) Good thing I know you are only kidding though - right?
And Finally - The Rules of the Sale:All items purchased on sale are final sales. Sale applies to in-stock items only. In the event that an item cannot be found in our physical inventory a substitution or refund will be offered. The sale discount cannot be combined with other discounts. Each weekday, a new sale will be announced through our blog at 12:00 EST. Please try to checkout by 11:59 AM EST to be sure to receive the sale price.