Featured patterns include Fiber Trends Knit and Crochet Patterns are famous for their broad range of patterns spanning from Mens and Womens Sweaters, Funky Felted Animals, Christmas Stockings, Lace Shawls, Afghans, Mittens, Leg Warmers, and lots and lots of Hats and Sock Patterns! Something for everyone!
Minnowknits Patterns have been providing designs for children for years! Sweaters, hoodies, hats, onesies... all kinds of beautiful designs suited for babies, toddlers and up through 8-10 year olds. If there is a child in your life, you will want a range of these patterns to knit for them as they grow.
And that is just two examples..... there are lots, and lots, and lots of books and patterns on sale! Also, check out our ever-growing book selection.... many new books have been added to our inventory. You may want to make a day of it and simply come by, take a seat and peruse the selection for some new projects in your future! Check out our selection as we continue to add to our existing inventory daily! This is a great time to be inspired!
***Sale excludes Prism, Berroco and Plymouth books and patterns.***
Happy fibering!