So, who's lacing? We want to know! We are all busily working on our Mystery Stole 3's Carin, of course is in the lead - she is on Row 75 - I am only on row 43,
but I have done row 39 - 43 about four times now and haven't gotten really good at backtracking lace and finding the missing yarn-over! We have put a folder in the Mystery Stole 3 files - ours is called The Yarn and Fiber Company and Carin's swatch is sitting in this folder - we will be posting up our finished Chart A&B pixs hopefully by Wednesday.

Yarn Over, did you say, that is code word for "look this way" thanks to
Maureen who is busily working on her Neverending Shawl using
Cherry Tree Hill Oceania. Everytime she reaches a yarn over, she says yarn over and we all yell YARN OVER... We have way too much fun! If this doesn't make any sense, then you are not spending enough time here.

And lastly, for today, Interweaves Felt and Piecework magazines have arrived.... Interweave Felt is a special issue and is amazing with tremendous patterns and directions for wet felting,
knitted felted, felted balls, felted this, and felted that!